
Berita Terkini : Film Indonesia

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Tcl Berita

### berita.tcl
### Version 1.0
### edit By Arch_fajri
### Google@allnetwork
### Desember @ 2010

# Start of Settings

namespace eval ::rss-synd {
variable rss

# This is an example of a basic feed, If you dont understand why all
# the \'s are in the examples below use this one as a template.
set rss(detikcom) {
"url" ""
"channels" "#google"
"database" "./scripts/detikcom.db"
"output" " 8,2\[ 7,2\@@channel!title@@\ 8,2]\ 1,41\ @@item!pubDate@@\ 2,42\ @@item!title@@\ 6,42 @@item!description@@\ 47,42 Selengkapnya (\037@@item!guid@@\037\) "
"trigger" "!detikcom"
"evaluate-tcl" 1

set rss(detikinet) {
"url" ""
"channels" "#google"
"output" " 8,2\[ 7,2\@@channel!title@@\ 8,2]\ 1,41\ @@item!pubDate@@\ 2,42\ @@item!title@@\ 6,42 @@item!description@@\ 47,42 Selengkapnya (\037@@item!guid@@\037\) "
"database" "./scripts/detikinet.db"
"trigger" "!detikinet"
"evaluate-tcl" 1
set rss(detikOtomotif) {
"url" ""
"channels" "#google"
"output" " 8,2\[ 7,2\@@channel!title@@\ 8,2]\ 1,41\ @@item!pubDate@@\ 2,42\ @@item!title@@\ 6,42 @@item!description@@\ 47,42 Selengkapnya (\037@@item!guid@@\037\) "
"database" "./scripts/detikOtomotif.db"
"trigger" "!detikoto"
"evaluate-tcl" 1

set rss(Arrahmah.Com-International) {
"url" ""
"channels" "#google"
"output" " 8,2\[ 7,2\@@channel!title@@\ 8,2]\ 1,41\ @@item!pubDate@@\ 2,42\ @@item!title@@\ 6,42 @@item!description@@\ 47,42 Selengkapnya (\037@@item!guid@@\037\) "
"database" "./scripts/arrahmahinternasional.db"
"trigger" "!arrahmahint"
"evaluate-tcl" 1

set rss(metrotvnews) {
"url" ""
"channels" "#google"
"output" " 8,2\[ 7,2\@@channel!title@@\ 8,2]\ 1,41\ @@item!pubDate@@\ 2,42\ @@item!title@@\ 6,42 @@item!description@@\ 47,42 Selengkapnya (\037@@item!guid@@\037\) "
"database" "./scripts/liputan6.db"
"trigger" "!metrotvnews"
"output-order" 1
"evaluate-tcl" 1

set rss(Arrahmah.Com-local) {
"url" ""
"channels" "#google"
"output" " 8,2\[ 7,2\@@channel!title@@\ 8,2]\ 1,41\ @@item!pubDate@@\ 2,42\ @@item!title@@\ 6,42 @@item!description@@\ 47,42 Selengkapnya (\037@@item!guid@@\037\) "
"database" "./scripts/Arrahmah.Com-local.db"
"trigger" "!arrahmahlocal"
"output-order" 1
"evaluate-tcl" 1

# The default settings, If any setting isnt set for an individual feed
# it'll use the default listed here
# WARNING: You can change the options here, but DO NOT REMOVE THEM, doing
# so will cause errors.

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